Odd is such negative word. Unique and special are nice words but I am odd for sure. Some would say I am just strange. 

The odd one out is more like the cheese that stands alone. And in life I am alone a lot but it is something I do not like at all. I love to be around people and maybe not interacting with people but I want to be around them. I don't like to talk to a large group I don't like trying to get my words heard. I am more about the one on one time with a person surrounded by people I know. Moving into a new area is making it difficult to surround myself with people. This cheese will stand alone for now but hopefully this cheese won't me alone to much longer. I could use a dog or cat or even a nurse just something that will make this cheese less lonely. 

I have been watching Oddities today and I have found some of the stuff quite interesting for sure makes me want to collect something or even just have the sort of old style that most of these people have. One of the people designed clothes and the clothes looks so great! I long to have a great sense of style as it stands right now I don't have a style at all its just a mixed stuff together. Gothic lolita would be the best style ever but i cant afford it right now maybe someday when i have a real job

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