I must be Direct; I do not know if I should be here

I was offered a new job but I don't know if it is the one for me. I could be selling Direct tv to people. Like walking up to people and trying to get them interested in switching to Direct Tv. If I go full Lolita then it could be fun for sure :) I think I would have people walking up to me :). It is an upgrade from where I am working but I am unsure if it is for me. They didn't say that I have the job yet so I should just relax but it is something I am thinking about.

On an awesome note I got the necomimi! it is super sexy. I feel super cute with them on I am still learning to control them. One thing I wonder is what they would do during sex. It could be fun but also bad because then it will be obvious when I am not focusing on what is going on at all. I tend to lose interest during sex I just get bored. I mean the motions keep happening and I just … take it if that makes sense. I mean I move I try to get into it but I just… lose focus. 

So Christmas is coming as you all know and I made my gifts and they are made and ready. I just need to wrap them and put them under the tree. I also want to wrap the gifts from my parents so it is more christmasy… I don't think that is a word. But it makes me cuter actually. 

I have a question for you guys… and that is if I was to make a vlog would you watch it? also what would you want it to be about? I love to review things but it is what you want. What do you want to hear from me?

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